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Nelson Women’s Refuge are here to help all women and their tamariki to live free from domestic and family violence.

Nelson / Tasman / Golden Bay and Murchison areas



If you or someone you know is in IMMEDIATE DANGER call



If you are in danger or at risk and need a safe place to stay tonight give us a call

0800 16 33 44


We can help you leave a violent family or domestic situation call

0800 16 33 44

Whakatu Women’s Refuge is part of New Zealand’s largest nationwide organisation that supports and helps women and children to live free from domestic and family violence.

If you are visiting this page because you or someone you know needs our help, please ring us now on 0800 16 33 44 (if not crisis-related call 03 544 0616) or stay on this website and scroll to read the support and help we can give you.

What is domestic violence?

You do not need to justify leaving a situation where you feel threatened or scared to anyone. Domestic violence comes in many different forms and is usually a pattern of power, control and coercion. Abuse is not just physical. It can be verbal, emotional and you should trust your intuition. If something does not feel right to you, or you do not feel your children are safe then it is not ok.

If you are being abused, remember it is not your fault. Violence towards you or your children or pets is not ok and we are here to help you. At Nelson Women’s Refuge we do not judge. We will listen to you and support you to make the best choices for your safety.

Any services provided by us to you are confidential and free. The priority we have is to keep you and your children safe.

We're here for you

We offer our services across the Nelson / Tasman / Golden Bay and Murchison areas. There is no part of our region that is too remote for us to help you. Please get in touch with us.

Free, confidential & non-judgmental support

24 hour, 7 days crises line, 0800 REFUGE

24/7 access to our safe houses

Home and community visits. Support in isolated regions

Referrals to counsellors, doctors, lawyers and other support services

Advocacy when dealing with police, legal, court, WINZ, housing, doctors, immigration, school’s and Oranga Tamariki

Education and support groups for women and children about living free from violence

Information and presentations to community groups, schools and workplaces

The services we offer


You do not need to have your ‘ducks in a row’ to leave your situation.


A safe place for you and your children. This is a free service, available 24/7.


Get support for your mental and emotional wellbeing with this free service.


You can call us anytime, day or night. We are here for YOU.


Our team are here to support you. You don’t have to deal with anything alone.


Tailor made programmes as a group or individual to help you forward.


We have specific programmes to support your children.


There are programmes to support and guide rangitahi (teenagers).


We can help you find a safe place for your much loved pets.

Gift a Safe Night

Every night, over 200 women in New Zealand need a safe place to escape to.

One night of safety at Women’s Refuge for a woman and child costs just $20 and includes a clean safe bed, secure transport, hot meals, supportive staff, 24/7 crisis line and helpful advice.

We also appreciate monetary donations. Nelson Women’s and Children’s Refuge is a not for profit organisation, so every little bit counts.

Our vision is for all women and their tamariki to live free from domestic and family violence.  Our services are offered across the Nelson / Tasman / Golden Bay and Murchison areas. There is no part of our region that is too remote for us to help you.

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